Unlearning and Software Upgrades!

We have all been programmed since our collective childhoods to believe that the world works in a certain way.  But here’s the truth of how this incredible Universe unfolds:  “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so to have the life that is waiting for us.”  (Joseph Campbell) For many of you, it will require an “unlearning” of everything you have been taught– the programming of “you have to.”

You have to go to school and you have to then get a job with benefits and you have to have a retirement plan and you have to get married and you have to have children, etc, etc.

The real truth is that the only thing you “have” to do is Live.  Be who you are at all times.  Love this.  Love you.  Love life.  Re-write the software that planned your life before your life began.

Re-write it, learn anew, learn what the Yogis and the Sufis and the Mystics and the Gnostics and the Taoists have been saying for centuries:  “You are the key. And you are enough.”  Life is short- be brave.

It is your turn now

“It is your turn now,
you waited, you were patient.
The time has come,
for us to polish you.
We will transform your inner pearl
into a house of fire.
You’re a gold mine.
Did you know that,
hidden in the dirt of the earth?
It is your turn now,
to be placed in fire.
Let us cremate your impurities.”

11 thoughts on “Unlearning and Software Upgrades!

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