Happy International Women’s Day

To all you Remarkable Women around the world, I wish you the most prosperous and blessing-filled day! 

There has been a great deal of media backlash against anyone who has the daring and the courage to “step outside the normal bounds,” and speak about what’s important today.  The fact remains that together, men and Women, all of us, regardless of how you to choose to express your gender, need to work together so that we can build the world we imagined.  So that we can be the “change we wish to see in the world.”

Happy International Women’s Day to every woman struggling to take care of herself and her family (blood related or otherwise).

To every woman who is being targeted because of her faith, I stand with you.  Shalom.  Assalamualaikum. Peace. Namaste.

To every woman who is entirely misunderstood by her friends/family/inner circle, stand in your strength; courage is in your Divinely Ordained Glory. Speak your truth.

To every woman who had the insane courage and incredible bravery to uproot herself and immigrate to an entirely new reality so she could do better for those whom she loves, I stand on your shoulders. I am where I am because of women like you.  To all making that journey now, Godspeed and good fortune.

To every woman who struggles day in and day out, I acknowledge you. I acknowledge all women today.  I acknowledge all those who support us in desiring a better world.

To all the women in my life who make me smile, laugh, show me love, support me, and put up with my quirkiness,  I love you. I honour you.  I salute you.  Happy Women’s Day.

To all the men in my life who do the same, thank you.  Thank you for bearing the weight of who I am in your hearts and souls and letting us beautiful women stand in our light, today and always.

Peace, Love and Blessings
