“Don’t waste time waiting for the cosmic tumblers to click into place. You are not a passive anticipant of the good life; you  are a dynamic, active participant!”

-Michael Bernard Beckwith




Source: Michael Bernard Beckwith | Official Site

Kismet …


An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.

Good Fortune, Luck.


Something unusual happened to me this evening;  I was feeling rather insecure about a myriad number of things and something told me to go with my cousin for prayers.  So I did.

And am I ever Thankful!

Tonight I was greeted by Familiarity and welcomed by Grace.  Embraced by Light and carried into Kismet. I walked into a prayer hall and walked out with Spirit guiding and Blessing.  Tonight, the answers came.   God works through people.

Write. Sing.  Dance.  Take Pictures.  Act.  Make.  Dream.  Discover.  Explore.  Love.  Laugh.    Have Faith.  Teach.

There is a process much larger than all of us that hears us when we most need to be heard and loves us when we forget to love ourselves.

Tonight, I was reacquainted with Kismet and had a conversation with Serendipity.



Thank You.