
Is a powerful, motivational “thing.”

We have all been through so much in the last year; we have seen a virus ravage our way of life, we have seen governments fall and rise and genocides, explosions, weird weather events and more.  Yet, we have also seen the very best of humanity and nature - so many of you stepped up to help others facing food insecurity and shortages.  Others made masks and accessories.  Some of you gave of your time in ways no news media outlet will ever report.  Thank you for reminding us that there is always something we can do.

Hope is around the corner.  We cannot slide into complicity - our health and safety must come first because without that, our economies will not matter.  Once we are out of the proverbial woods, there is much reconciliation needed. Not just in the way in which we see people but in terms of how we live our lives.  Stay strong, stay blessed, stay safe and stay within Hope.  Remember that hope takes root where it is planted, watered and nurtured.  

Keep taking care of each other.  We are indeed each other's keepers, as Covid has shown us. God bless, be kind, and please go plant some trees.